harry potter 7

Harry Potter is the top-selling children’s book of all time. I do not need to tell you want it is, just that it is available for $17.99 from Amazon. You will get it on the first day available plus a $5 gift certificate. Click the picture to visit the page.

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facebook is for the middle-aged

Facebook is such a big part of college life, nowadays. It is continuously becoming even more so. Sometimes, I even forget how to manually talk people or how to invite my friends to a party. Oh, and what would I do when I lost my phone?As it seems, ever since Facebook opened its doors to everyone […]

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the naked roommate

I came across this book at the local Barnes and Noble and the first few pages were interesting enough to compel me to put it here. The Naked Roommate: And 107 Other Issues You Might Run Into in College is a book by Harlan Cohen. It is basically an advice book about how to deal […]

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get shocked on purpose!

Remember when you were a little kid and you would stick your baby brother’s fingers into the light socket to see him jump up? No, you weren’t being mean. You were teaching him about electricity. Imagine if he had to get electrocuted by lightning through a kite to discover that. Well, now that we are […]

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good will hunting

Today’s daily deal is the collector’s edition of Good Will Hunting which you can get brand new for $5.99. Good Will Hunting is one of my favorite movies of all time and it is probably the most appropriate movie to start out the collegebeing.com daily deal.

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