The Rise of Cocktail Culture: Not Just for Mad Men

Cocktails have been a staple of bars in America for years. Whether it is a classic drink, like a Manhattan or martini, or an easy combo of rum and coke or 7 and 7, ordering a cocktail is typically a straightforward affair. But much like the foodie and craft beer cultures, cocktails are now getting […]

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Beer! Microbrew or Macrobrew?

America has always been a nation of beer drinkers, but only lately has craft brewing really started taking hold throughout the country and college campuses. Now, it seems as if a new microbrew beer is put on the shelves every week. States like Washington and Oregon in particular have garnered a national reputation as the […]

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Friday Funnies and the Return of Booze Reviews

Next week marks our first birthday and in traditional hobbit form (thanks Michael, my Lord of the Rings informant), we will be giving out presents instead of receiving them. ‘Cause that’s just the way we roll! Due to popular demand, Booze Reviews will be coming back to College Being. Nick, one of our occasional writers […]

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