How to have fun at a college in a small town

Where’s the party at? Are there even enough places open on the weekend here in Rando-ville for me to enjoy my college experience? Am I doomed to four years alone on my couch? I’m from a big city, so how will I stay sane in this town? All of these are valid questions—no, really! Many […]

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6 Alternative Ways to Pay for College When You Don’t Have Money

College is expensive. It is really expensive and paying for it may be a challenge for a lot of families. Sometimes loans for students can seem like the easiest solution, but it feels different when it comes time to pay off. Trust me you are going to get buried in that debt. Thus, if you […]

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How to Find the Perfect Internship Program – 12 Websites to Use!

Is it worth it to do an Internship? A 2014 study on the Southwestern University students found that students who completed one internship program while studying at college had 13% more chances of finding a full-time employment later. The odds improved with the number of internships students completed. The study also revealed that students who […]

Think First!

The Best College Campuses for Public Transportation

As any college student knows, public transportation is far cheaper than owning a vehicle. And yet, many cities do not provide adequate or trustworthy forms of mass transit. Buses are late and they don’t run all the time (which can be rough on students who work nights), subways are often hotbeds of criminal activity, and […]

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How to get people to ignore you

Not everyone is interested to stay and play in the limelight. Others (read: me) love to hide in the shadows, sulk and not engage in any undertaking. Unfortunately, several activities require our presence – assemblies, club meetings, seminars, and so on. For such scenarios, I have with me my trusty list of Ignore-me tactics. Use […]

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