Fox News (Finally?) Busted

So it seems that MSNBC has finally told everybody what we all have known for ages: The White House has been feeding stories to Fox News: On a similar note: [via Digg]

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Barak Obama Wins Nomination: OMG He’s Black!

Obama is black and will be back during the fall for the real election according the the latest AP tally. This marks the closest a black person ever came to becoming president. Hopefully, Obama is going to break another record before the end of the year. Or else, we will be in Iraq for 1,000 […]

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Mitt Romney is Next to Surrender

With all the media attention surrounding elections it sometimes seems like they are pre-decided for us. Mitt Romney is following in Giuliani and Edward’s footsteps and giving up on becoming president in 2008. Yesterday, Romney announced, “In this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to […]

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Voting “Errors” All Over California

During the last couple of nights, College Being was sent almost a dozen emails concerning errors in the California primary election. Respesentatives of the California Republican party had no comment for us, but the following video does shed some more insight into the situation: [youtube zWKxwVZmomc nolink] Note: The main issue being demonstrated in the […]

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Giuliani gets the gitters, Edwards follows

Today, both third place candidates running for the major parties withdrew their nominations leaving a Clinton-verse-Obama/ Romney-verse-McCain struggle in the remaining primaries. Upon Giuliani’s decision to withdraw, he immediately traveled to California to give support for his previous rival, John McCain–“John McCain is the most qualified candidate to be the next commander-in-chief of the United […]

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