
George Carlin, a legendary and awesome comedian best known for his “Seven Words You Can’t Say on Television,” as well as a number of albums, books, cable TV specials, and movie appearances, died today at the age of 71. He will be missed. [Editor’s note: On March 2nd, 2015, we received the following notice from […]

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RIP Tim Russert

NBC reporter Tim Russert, most famous for his show “Meet The Press,” died today at the age of 58 from a heart attack. Russert was one of the few remaining American journalists who actually bothered to ask tough questions, and will be missed.

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Global Agreements are Useless; or, Why I’m Cynical About Everything

So, the G8 nations (Group of 8, the world’s leading economic powers) have agreed on a proposal to cut greenhouse gases in half. Sounds good, right? Only problem: their target date is 2050. You know, 42 years from now. When every single person responsible for this vote is long dead, or at the very least […]

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The Shooting of Sean Bell

Or, how the NYPD got away with murder. Again. In case you haven’t been following this story, here’s a link. Back in 2006, three police officers shot a man named Sean Bell 50 times as he was leaving a strip club during his bachelor party. Bell and his friends were unarmed. The cops claimed they […]

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Get Your Stinking Paws Off Me You Damn Dirty Ape

Charlton Heston, best known for his roles in the Planet of the Apes series and Ben Hur, as well as his leadership of the National Rifle Association and his civil rights activism alongside Martin Luther King Jr., died today at the age of 84. RIP Taylor. Now you can have his gun.

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