Booze Reviews: Newcastle DraughtKeg

[Editor’s note: College Being was sent a review sample of Newcastle DraughtKeg. This will not influence our opinions.] Newcastle now joins Heineken with their own mini keg offering. The Newcastle DraughtKeg is a mini 5-litre keg. It comes with enough beer for 14 regular 12 oz servings and costs about $15 to $20 depending on […]

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The Miracle Beer Diet

We at College Being really love our beer. Tip of the Day: Drinking up to 2 (for women) or 4 (for men) beers a day has been shown to reduce chances of cardiovascular disease and prolong life. [Thanks Joe]

2 Thoughts

Alternatives to Soda: 7 Tasty and Healthy Recipes

Soda is probably one of the worst things you can drink. Maybe that is why it is so tasty. Here are some things you can drink that will be ten times more healthy for your body: Water One of the best things you can drink. Too bad it is so boring. Next. Sparkling Water + […]

89 Thoughts

Friday Funnies: Mathematicians

The following joke was recently featured on, but due to its innocence and our recent controversies over our post titles, we thought we would feature it in this week’s Friday Funnies: An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one orders a beer. The second orders half a beer. The third, […]

6 Thoughts

Booze Reviews: Sam Adams Cherry Wheat

Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat is not for everybody’s taste. Like all the Sam Adams beers, it comes in at the more pricey import price range even though it is a domestic beer. This adds a further deterrent for the average college student to give it a try. But with Sam Adams’s limited use of ingredients, […]

3 Thoughts