Friday Funnies: You’re Missing Out

The below prank comes from Brazil. The writing loosely translates to “Look. You’re missing out.”

5 Thoughts

What is Up With Facebook Ads?

Seriously, what is going on with the recent Facebook ads? Is it because Facebook knows I am a swimmer that they put these ads up? Or do they assume I am gay by my taste in music? Facebook seriously what is going on? Even the guy in the picture is tired of waxing as he […]

3 Thoughts

Friday Funnies: Prop. 8

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

1 Thought

Friday Funnies: Mathematicians

The following joke was recently featured on, but due to its innocence and our recent controversies over our post titles, we thought we would feature it in this week’s Friday Funnies: An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one orders a beer. The second orders half a beer. The third, […]

6 Thoughts

Friday Funnies: White People Dancing

Dave Chappelle reemerges from his cave to join with John Mayer and do some experiments on how different races dance to different tunes:

1 Thought