4 Ways to Make Some Quick Cash

If you’re in college right now, chances are that you are broke or you are as close to the red as possible. While many websites will offer tips on saving money or budgeting your funds or whatever, we all know that doing something as responsible as saving is beyond the capacity of our as-yet-developing university […]

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7 Ways College Students Waste Money

It seems that kids in college have a knack for wasting Mom and Dad’s money (or blowing every cent of a student loan meant to last all semester in the first week of classes). And it’s no wonder, considering that many kids in college are away from home and responsible for themselves (and their finances) […]

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12 Tips on How to Save Money This Christmas/Holiday Season

Christmas Cards 1. Send letters. If you regularly send Christmas cards, think about sending letters instead. With that extra cash saved, you can include an extra picture in every letter or just save the money to buy yourself a Christmas gift. 2. Send post cards. You can also send post cards to save on postage. […]

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Stay on Budget During the Tough Economy

I hate budgets. As easy as it is to shop online nowadays, one of the toughest things to do is to stay on budget. It seems however that at times budgets are a necessary tool to help us from spending too much money. Here are some ways you can budget that I have had success […]

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Choosing the Right Credit Card

Having a credit card of your own is an essential part of life. You are in college now, so you should at least have a credit card to start building your own credit (even if you do still use your mom’s Visa card). Some people disagree with that and just use bank cards or debit […]

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